www.myrvresource.com - My RV Resource
Posted 12/29/2023 in Business Resources

6 Simple Tips for Networking to Help your RV Business

6 Simple Tips for Networking to Help your RV Business

Wondering how to make the most of networking to help your RV business? Don't worry; we've got your back. Whether you can make it to the My RV Resource Annual Meetups or not, here's a simple guide that anyone can follow anytime a networking opportunity presents itself.

1. Mix and Mingle: Breaking the Ice with a Twist

When you walk into the Meetup, or any networking opportunity, put on your best smile – it's your secret weapon. Look someone in the eye, give 'em a nod, and offer a friendly greeting. At the 2024 My RV Resource Annual Meetup, we made it even easier to break the ice with a fun game of Bingo and it was a huge success!

2. The Power of the Question: Show Genuine Interest

Want to make a lasting impression? Ask questions! People love talking about what they know. Ask simple stuff like, "What brought you here today?" or "What's the name of your company?" or "What made you decide to start your company?" You'll be amazed at the stories you'll hear!

3. Be a Good Listener: Ears Wide Open, Mouth Half Shut

When someone's talking, listen up. Nod your head, maybe throw in a "That's interesting!" or "Tell me more." It's not just about what you say; it's about making the other person feel heard.

4. Swap Stories, Not Just Business Cards: Be Real

Sure, business cards are nifty, but here's a secret – swapping stories is even cooler. Share a funny or challenging moment from your RV business. People remember stories more than pieces of paper. Be real, and watch the connections grow.

5. Remember Names with a Trick: The Repetition Game

Names are tricky, but here's a trick! When you meet someone, say their name back to them. "Nice to meet you, Jake!" It's like a magic spell to remember names. Practice, and soon you'll be a name-recalling champ.

6. The Art of the Follow-Up: Seal the Deal

You've chatted, laughed, and shared stories – now what? Follow up! If you promised to share some RV wisdom, shoot them a quick email after the Meetup. A simple "Great meeting you!" goes a long way. It's like keeping the conversation going.


There are so many benefits to small business networking and we hope these six simple tips for networking will help your RV business. Remember, networking is an opportunity to connect. Put on that smile, extend that hand, and make meaningful connections.

If you are looking to elevate your business and join a community of like-minded business owners, we recommend adding your company listing to My RV Resource. Not only can you attract more potential customers by advertising your services and products, you’ll also find many resources geared specifically to help you connect to other professionals in the RV industry to take your company to the next level. Click here to get started today!

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