www.myrvresource.com - My RV Resource
Posted 01/07/2024 in Tiny Tutorials

Site Search vs Listing Search

Site Search vs Listing Search

Discover the search options at MyRVResource.com! Use our search box to find member profiles, blog articles, events, photo albums, podcasts, and videos related to your RV interests. Looking for specific listings like "RV inspection" in Los Angeles, California? Try our specialized search to find exactly what you need. Explore the difference in search results on our homepage today!

When you first land on the homepage at MyRVResource.com, there are a few different ways that you can search.

In this search box, if I type in RV inspection, you'll notice that a few results are loaded in the drop-down but if I click the enter button it actually searches the site for the member profiles which are the listings, blog articles that contain that keyword, events that contain it, as well as photo albums, podcasts, and videos.

If I go back to the homepage and I search for RV inspection and let's just pick Los Angeles, California and click Search Now, you'll notice that there are four results because they are searching the listings only so that's the difference.

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